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PAST PERFORMANCES » 2012 » Mothers day concert, La Beauce

Mothers day concert, La Beauce

Saturday, May 12, in the church of St. Joseph was held the concert of the Mother's Day organized by Michel Plante Salon son and image. It was the Musicians of the World Symphony Orchestra (OSMM) and the Give group that has thrilled nearly 600 people to sound classical and modern music.

Take the first violin in Moscow, that of the Bucharest Opera, gather them in Quebec with other talented musicians from around the world just as exceptional and you get the OSMM. The OSMM is virtuoso musicians of about twenty nationalities that the chief Joseph Milo orchestrated in a symphonic orchestra. This are these unique talents from around the world who have gone to St. Joseph offer us the passion that drives them.

Among other pieces performed by the OSMM, the 5th symphony of Beethoven so well known and so appreciated served as an opening grandiose at the concert. Then, The four seasons of Vivaldi (Spring) arrived just in time on this beautiful spring evening. Followed Hungarian Dance No.5 of Brahms, the national anthem of Austria which, together with these changes of rhythm and its passages to the Muscovite tone, gave want to dance. Then two pieces that earned the ovation: The beautiful Blue Danube by Strauss and Ravel's Bolero.

After intermission, the OSMM offered more modern pieces, but equally grandiose: Guernica de Clermont Pépin, a potpourri of Félix Leclerc and Symphonic Landscapes of Gilles Vigneault by Léon Bernier. The Give band came on stage to offer three songs: The most beautiful mom in the world in honor of Mother's Day, Fish on the line and The waves abound. The singer of the group Give, Caroline St. Louis knows how to \"sing the waves\" in her wonderful voice. She makes us know what a song would look like.

Michel Plante, president of Salon son et image, organizer and producer of the evening, dedicated the concert to the late Loïc Poulin who worked at the start of the show, as well as moms from all over the world, those of us and those who are no longer. Serge Goulet has besides offered roses to the mothers present that night. Mr. Plante mentions that \"the objective of the concert is twofold: to discover musicians with exceptional talent; that people can listen to more music. Mr. Plante is passionate about music. He finds damage that people who love music often deprive themselves of it; it's by organizing concerts like this that it allows the music to come alive.\" The concert was organized as part of the 275th St. Joseph's Day festivities.

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